Meeting Notes 11th October 2001



Ade, Lee, Jo, Liz Clarke, Liv & Sijbren.



Non received


Matters arising from last meeting

·         Teachers pack example sent from Kent Korfball Club that we might use.

·         National Coaching Foundation – Jo to find out more.

·         Mini Tournament – Liv has got referee volunteers.

·         Liz to conform availability of Netherhall School for training

·         Sijbren and Lee doing coaching now. Lee coaching under 13’s

·         We have some posters now which Liz will put contact details on. Ade to design tear off flyers.

·         Duplicate of Lees letter to be sent out to attract girls to play in BKA Youth Cup under 11’s

·         Ian sponsorship letter discussed. Liz to contact Phil Buttinger about buying/hiring.


After Schools Clubs

·         St. Matthews from 2nd November with Lee. Uni people may be able to help.

·         Colville School to be checked out by Liz

·         Newnham Croft school a possible with Uni help and may be Clem. Liz to check.

·         Milton Road possible. Contact Liz Jones


EA Cup

·         Possibility of Juniors games next year. Liz to gauge opinion form Norwich. Perhaps have game on Finals Day. Lee would look after Cambridge end.


Netherhall Coaching

·         Another coach will be required soon as numbers build up. Each club should look for people who want to take part. They should be at session 15mins early to be briefed on what will happen in session. Liv to do new schedule of clubs that should be turning up to juniors training.

·         Posts will become an issue if numbers increase aswell.


Inter Area Tournament

·         Liv to contact Debbie Etheridge about juniors involvement and about Scotland juniors availability.


Lottery Grant & other grants

·         Revise equipment schedule set out and to be costed to see what is left to apply for maximum grant,

·         First aid kit should be available. Lee to get one for this weekend and claim cost from CKA.

·         Sponsorship required to get kit. Liv to chase Ian on UK Fire letter.


City Sport Course

This will be Jan/Feb 2002. To be held at Netherhall. Try to get people to sign up for this to make it look popular. Jo to ask Rick about how this may be done.


Junior BKA Cup Seeding

Liz to investigate and write putting forward views as to why this shouldn’t happen.







·         Comberton would like some contact on getting korfball going. Some ex-students of Liz’s are there. Contacts are Nigel Carrick and a Mrs. Edwards. Lee to contact.

·         Police checking – Liz to get forms and Lee to administer to helpers at training.

·         Korfball award scheme. This is happening in Kent and a certificate idea may be good in Cambridge. Liv to find out more. Sijbren highlighted similar scheme in Holland. Idea to be developed.

·         Newsletter suggested (eg. Termly) by Sijbren to include match reports written by juniors.

·         Games Afternoon. Sijbren suggested this to attract kids after school. This then attracts them to a korfball session. This could be tried before City Sports Day.

·         Non korfball events help keep social side going and keep people interested. Lee to look at Ely Bowling evening. Junior/Senior interaction to be worked on with ideas for the summer.


Next Meeting

12th November 2001 @ 7pm. Liv’s House




Ade 3rd November 2001